Tag Archives: Troubleshooting

How to Fix Blurry Images in WordPress

fix blurry images wordpress

The image on top is a screen cap of how the Instructions.png appears in a WordPress post when its width is 570 pixels. The image on the bottom is a screen cap of how the Instructions.png appears in a WordPress post when its width is 565 pixels.

You may have noticed that your images sometimes appear blurrier when posted in your WordPress blog. It’s not very noticeable for photographic images, but it becomes very noticeable for line or text images.

I was confused as to why this was happening because, having read that WordPress was a poor image resizer, I made sure to resize my images before uploading them. According to WordPress, the maximum content width for my theme,Twenty Eleven, is 585 pixels. However, even though my images were resized to 580 pixels in width, they still appeared blurry in my WordPress posts. Interestingly, though, when I visited the direct links of the uploaded images, they appeared crystal clear.

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